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A state approved curriculum which offers child-initiated lesson plans, ongoing developmental assessments and individual child portfolios.  The Creative Curriculum focuses on 50 Goals and Objectives for Preschool/Pre-k and 21 for Infants and Toddlers in the assessment and lesson planning process.  These goals and objectives are covered over the four main areas of development: social/emotional, cognitive, physical, and language.


Creative Academy and Creative Curriculum together: 

                    1. Strengthen cooperative behaviors

                    2. Increase pre-literacy and math skills

                    3. Promote decision making skills

                    4. Encourage imaginative thinking

                    5. Foster self-confidence and problem solving skills



Teachers at The Creative Academy  follow strategies in the Foundations Guiding Principles to enhance children's overall development and self-awareness on a daily basis.  Foundations breaks down each developmental domain which aids in the lesson planning and assessment process for Creative Curriculum:

       1. Approaches to Learning (APL)

                     --Curiosity, Infromation-Seeking, and Eagerness

                     --Play and Imagination

                     --Risk-Taking, Problem-Solving, and Flexibility

                     --Attentiveness, Effort, and Persistence

         2. Emotional and Social Development (ESD)

                    --Developing a Sense of Self

                    --Developing a Sense of Self with Others

                    --Learning About Feelings

       3. Health and Physical Development (HPD)

                    --Physical Health and Growth

                    --Motor Development


                    --Safety Awareness

       4. Language Development and Communication (LDC)

                   --Learning to Communicate

                   --Foundations for Reading

                   --Foundations for Writing

         5. Cognitive Development

               --Construction of Knowledge: Thinking and Reasoning

                  --Creative Expression

                  --Social Connections

                  --Mathematical Thinking and Expression

                  --Scientific Exploration and Knowledge








(2006, The Creative Curriculum, Teaching Strategies, Inc.)


Social Development [To learn about self and others]

1. Trusts known, caring adults.

2. Regulates own behavior.

3. Manages own feelings.

4. Responds to others' feelings with growing empathy.

5. Plays with other children.

6. Learns to be a member of a group.

7. Use personal care skills.

Physical Development [To learn about moving]

8. Demonstrates basic gross motor skills (i.e. - walking up and down stairs, running, jumping off one step, increasing balance)

9. Demonstrates basic fine motor skills. (i.e. - scribbling with a crayon, using scissors, holding a cup, placing small items in small containers)

Cognitive Development [To learn about the world]

10. Sustains attention.

11. Understands how objects can be used.

12. Shows a beginning understanding of cause and effect.

13. Shows a beginning understanding that things can be grouped.

14. Uses problem-solving strategies.

15. Engages in pretend play.

Language Development [To learn about communicating]

16. Develops receptive language skills (listening)

17. Develops expressive language skills (speaking)

18. Participates in conversations.

19. Enjoys books and being read to.

20. Shows an awareness of pictures and print.

21. Experiments with drawing and writing (scribbling/imitating strokes)










(Dodge, D.T., Colker, L., Heroman, C.  2002. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool,  Teaching Strategies, Inc., Washington, DC.)

The goals focused on in this curriculum are expanded upon within the classroom depending on each child's developmental level.



Social/Emotional Development 

Sense of Self

1. Shows ability to adjust to new situations.

2. Demonstrates appropriate trust in adults.

3. Recognizes own feelings and manages them appropriately.

4. Stands up for rights.

 Responsibility for Self and Others

5. Demonstrates self-direction and independence.

6. Takes responsbility for own well-being.

7. Respects and cares for classroom environment and materials.

8. Follows classroom routines.

9. Follows classroom rules.

 Prosocial Behavior

10. Playws well with other children.

11. Recognizes the feelings of others and responds appropriately.

12. Shares and respects the rights of others.

13. Uses thinking skills to resolve conflicts.


Physical Development

Gross Motor

14. Demonstrates basic locomotor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping).

15. Shows balance while moving.

16. Climbs up and down.

17. Pedals and steers a tricycle (or other wheeled vehicle).

18. Demonstrates throwing, kicking, and catching skills.

 Fine Motor

19. Controls small muscles in hands.

20. Coordinates eye-hand movement.

21. Uses tools for writing and drawing.


Cognitive Development

 Learning and Problem Solving

22. Observes objects and events with curiosity.

23. Approaches problems flexibly.

24. Shows persistence in approaching tasks.

25. Explores cause and effect.

26. Applies knowledge or experience to a new context.

 Logical Thinking

27. Classifies objects.

28. Compares/measures.

29. Arranges objects in a series.

30. Recognizes patterns and can repeat them.

31. Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence.

32. Shows awareness of position in space.

33. Uses one-to-one correspondence.

34. Uses numbers and counting.

 Representation and Symbolic Thinking

35. Takes on pretend roles and situations.

36. Makes believe with objects.

37. Makes and interprets representations.


Language Development

 Listening and Speaking

38. Hears and discriminates the sounds of language.

39. Expresses self using words and expanded sentences.

40. Understands and follows oral directions.

41. Answers questions.

42. Asks questions.

43. Actively participates in conversations.

 Reading and Writing

44. Enjoys and values reading.

45. Demonstrates understanding of print concepts.

46. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet.

47. Uses emerging reading skills to make meaning from print.

48. Comprehends and interprets meaning from books and other texts.

49. Understands the purpose of writing.

50. Writes letters and words. 

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